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A Legion Rises

A Legion Rises

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Seven Days

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4

The weekend prior to our trip I primed the two Optio, masking off the non metallic areas as I had done with the Xiliarch. The Reliquary was almost entirely armoured so I primed him without troubling myself with masking.

Working first on the Optio, I was reminded that dealing with a couple of models was much more convenient than a whole regiment. By grabbing 20 mins here and there, I had them base coloured by the Monday.

On a Tuesday I usually try to catch the Unofficial Hobby Hangout and get an hour of painting in. This week I managed a longer shift and all but finished the Optio, just their verdigris remained!

On the Wednesday, once the family had gone to bed, I managed a 22:00 to 00.00 shift and all but completed the Reliquary in a single sitting.

Seven Days

By the Thursday evening I only had a few highlights left to add in. This left just enough time to apply the Verdigris to all three officers before they were marched off to kill some Techno Greeks!

Seven Days
Seven Days
Seven Days

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2024-08-13 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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