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Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men

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Inaugural Battle, 30th June 2024.

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The club closest to my flat meet every Thursday evening but they also have a longer gaming session every second Sunday. Woodstock and I arranged to have a 1500 point game this past weekend; her beautiful ogres vs the wee free men.

The lighting was terrible and my memory is garbage but I promised photos so here you have it. We rolled the Plunder scenario so there were five objectives down the centre line worth 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 points.

There wasn’t a lot of LOS blocking terrain but there doesn’t need to be in this match up – the feegles have no ranged other than Morag and the ogres only have a 12″ range in their current list. First turn movement was massive – the ogres with their 6″ move could get to objectives with a double move while the feegles look on enviously, at a distance.

Now, even for elite goblins, these goblins are squishy lads. The Jolly Sailors really didn’t stand a chance being charged by four units before they got to roll a single attack. Once they were removed, Rob, being the Big Man of the Clan, took on the giant by himself. This flank was abandoned largely at this point.

Then the two armies pretty much crashed into each other for funsies. The flank with Tiffany flipped the line of battle to run 90 degrees to its original. The Brew of Haste feegles joined Tiffany in crushing some goblins and some boomers. Blessing of the Shepherdess feegles got a lucky snake eyes on a nerve check to frustrate the ogres.

Horace terrified anyone he came into contact with. The Toad entered into negotiations with a goblin riding a mawbeast. Eventually the giants faced off and the Toad became the sole surviving member of the Clan on turn five. We agreed to call it a draw. *koff*

The game was great fun and the sheer amount of giggling from both side of the table whenever the feegles did anything made it worth the hundreds of hours it took. Every time I play KoW I realise how much more I would enjoy it if I played it more. My sense of positioning and movement causes me suffering every time.

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