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Dark shadows of the Middle Kingdom

Dark shadows of the Middle Kingdom

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Final figure and small progress

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I’ve gotten the last of my components for the build in order and I’m quite happy. I have gotten in one of the war chariots from the range Eureka offers so I might field it as part of a Horde force. SAGA offers itself as a miniatures agnostic game so why not go for additions to use multiple battleboards.

Continuing with the motif of life and death I picked up more sprues of skeletal cav/chariots. Not to waste the plastic I also got some of Wargames Atlantic horses to make regular chariots for a future project idea. The only downside is I have no use for the metal horses from the kit in mind. I’ll see what I can do with them.

In other news I’ve decided to saw off the head for the figure of Horsehead from the Alternative Armies and swap it with the Scotia Grendel one. The attempt at press moulding a duplicate failed miserably. The minotaur with clubs has no hump like the Brahma bull mage so visually it will be alright all around.

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