See The Greyjoy’s Iron Victory Crew For A Song Of Ice & Fire

July 2, 2024 by brennon

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CMON has previewed another set of A Song Of Ice & Fire Tabletop Miniatures Game 32mm Fantasy miniatures coming out this year in September. The Greyjoys are going to be getting some reinforcements in the form of the Iron Victory Crew.

Iron Victory Crew - A Song Of Ice & Fire

Iron Victory Crew // A Song Of Ice & Fire

The Iron Victory is the flagship of the Iron Fleet and is captained by Victarion Greyjoy himself, Lord Captain Of The Iron Fleet. It takes part in a number of skirmishes throughout the course of the book series and is crewed by a pretty brutal band of killers. I don't think you'd expect anything different from House Greyjoy.

As well as announcing the new set, CMON also showed off the miniatures that you'll be getting in the set.

Iron Victory Crew Miniatures - A Song Of Ice & Fire

Iron Victory Crew Miniatures // A Song Of Ice & Fire

It is hoped that this crew will synergise well with Victarion himself in games of A Song Of Ice & Fire. You'd expect that would be the case considering that they are part of his tight-knit crew. No more details have been revealed about their abilities in-game as of yet but it's good to see more sets coming out to help take your A Song Of Ice & Fire armies in different directions.

Do you play House Greyjoy in A Song Of Ice & Fire?

"The Iron Victory is the flagship of the Iron Fleet and is captained by Victarion Greyjoy himself..."

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