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Draconis does….  Mars Attacks!

Draconis does…. Mars Attacks!

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Human Soldier Squad

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2

30th June 2024

Having carried out the test camo scheme on one soldier It was then a case of rolling it out onto the rest of the squad.

Seems to take a lot longer when doing it across nine models rather than one 😊

I did each stage across all the models to start with, then towards the end I worked on groups of three. For those with glasses on I picked those out in blue contrast over silver.

I still need to work on the bases, but plan to do these and the martians all at the same time. Not sure how much I will add – probably not as much as I have done on my Walking Dead minis recently.

And then adding in the test model, here is the whole squad.

Human Soldier Squad
Human Soldier Squad

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Ack! Ack! Ack!

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