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The Real Arthur Curry (Wappelmania)

The Real Arthur Curry (Wappelmania)

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Painting Up the Base - Part 2

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9

Hi everyone,

A quick update. I found some time to render and add some details in oils (mostly lichen) to the base to make it more lively in colour.

I let the base dry for three days, just to be sure, before taking a picture (to avoid the glossiness).

The next step is to add some vegetation, and the whole piece will be ready.  I hope to do this in the coming week, so by next Sunday this project should be ready as well.

Added some details with oil paints and left to dry before adding vegetation.Added some details with oil paints and left to dry before adding vegetation.

That is all!  Next week, as I have just said, this project will come to an end.  Then I will choose another side project, in the same vein, to do.

Until then stay safe and have fun.


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