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Moonstone with not multi award winning painting

Moonstone with not multi award winning painting

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Gotchgut 2

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

Step 5

I painted the belts and straps with a P3 paint beast hide but was not happy as I thought the brown was too light.

Step 6

The thigh pads were red and red and yellow in the art work so I used all of my imagination and copied this. I also painted the sword handle.

This is now when I got distracted with some of the football and didn’t bother taking any pictures of the next steps.

I essentially darkened the leatherwork with a couple of shades and then highlighted it again.  I painted the fur a cream colour shaded agrax and then dry brushed over the original colour   I think it was wraithbone but not sure.

I highlighted the thigh plates and added the sunburst symbol.   I tried to add some chipping but it did not work.

All in all, I think he has turned out alright.  Should have gone for more of a contrast in some of the colours.  Not my best work but definitely not my worst.

When I have the Commonwealth completed I will picture them all together.


I have also got an image of Sir Hogwash in progress at about 85%ish complete.  So hoping to complete him in the next couple of days or so.

Gotchgut 2

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Cult of Games Member

I really like your painting, even if it is not ‘multi-award winning’, and I think they look great! I see you bought the starter set. What did you think of it. I have mixed feelings. I like the game and the minis a lot. But I found the rulebook almost useless, because I can barely read it! and I was disappointed with the dice that were just plain blue. If they were more crystal-like, if would be more appealing. I will have to buy the rulebook anyway, and I got new dice for like 2 euros from China! Love to… Read more »

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