Grab Quick Start For Monolith’s New Conan Roleplaying Game

June 28, 2024 by brennon

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Monolith are offering a free set of Quick Start Rules for those wanting to dive into roleplaying in the world of Conan and the Hyborian Age. A Kickstarter for the new roleplaying game is lined up for later this year but if you want to try it out right now, you can check out Conan: The Hyborian Age - The Roleplaying Game for free!

Quickstart Rules - Conan The Hyborian Age

Quick Start Rules // Conan: The Hyborian Age

Conan: The Hyborian Age takes place when King Conan has found himself perched on the throne of Aquilonia. You will take on the role of brave adventurers and sometimes knaves exploring the world created by Robert E. Howard looking for treasures, battling terrible monsters and more.

The Quick Start Rules, available HERE, contain all of the mechanics that a Game Master and five players need to dive into their adventures in the world of Conan. You will find five pre-generated characters, a light overview of the setting of the Hyborian Age and the core rules that you'll need to get started. There is also a full adventure, The Seal Of Acheron.

The rules are action-focused with dice-based stats and a simple system for passing your checks and putting the focus on the story pushing forward. Combat also seems quick and easy and there is a great sense that they are trying to get across the idea of a cinematic, swirling melee. The pre-generated characters also look fun to play and very different but with a good nod to classic Conan archetypes.

Could you be tempted to try out Conan: The Hyborian Age?

"You will take on the role of brave adventurers and sometimes knaves exploring the world created by Robert E. Howard looking for treasures, battling terrible monsters and more..."

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