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The Real Arthur Curry (Wappelmania)

The Real Arthur Curry (Wappelmania)

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Painting Up the Base - Part 1

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Hi everyone,

I managed to find some time to work on this project, and since all I have left is the base – well I worked on that!

The painting is very basic for this post – a base coat, then drybrushing and afterward several washes.

An hour of work, and maybe two more hours to go.

A heavy grey base coilour is chosen.A heavy grey base coilour is chosen.
Severaly layers of  drybrushing.Severaly layers of drybrushing.
Some washes to give the neutral grey some tone.Some washes to give the neutral grey some tone.

The next stage, is to continue painting up the base and add some vegetation.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun.


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