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A Legion Rises

A Legion Rises

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Painting Block - The Struggle Is Real!

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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For the rest of May I couldn’t find the motivation to pick up a brush. Maybe I took on too much at once with the larger Praetorian regiment. Or maybe it was the prospect of painting a unit that was all but identical to one I had previously worked on. Either way it was all I could manage to get the shields painted. Meanwhile the legionaries sat on my painting tray untouched.

Painting Block - The Struggle Is Real!
Painting Block - The Struggle Is Real!

While it is important to have a plan, it is equally important to recognise when said plan is failing. A change of strategy was required, so in a bid to reignite my enthusiasm I decided to mix things up a bit…

Painting Block - The Struggle Is Real!

… and so I built a regiment of Athanatoi!

I really like these models, their expressionless masks give them a serene yet menacing attitude. The kit assembly was a little disappointing as certain heads and arms are designed to only fit particular bodies. However with minimal trimming I was able to achieve a bit more mix and match and was ultimately happy with the result.

Painting Block - The Struggle Is Real!

I wouldn’t be painting this unit until I had complete the original 800, but I primed them so they would at least have a base colour if they made it to the table.

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