Knight Models’ New Night’s Watch Clash With White Walkers

June 24, 2024 by brennon

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Two new sets are now available for you to pre-order for Knight Models' Game Of Thrones Miniatures Game. Head into the cold climate of the North and get stuck into a battle between the Night's Watch and the White Walkers on the other side of The Wall.

Nights Watch - Game Of Thrones Miniatures Game

Night's Watch // Game Of Thrones Miniatures Game

This set of 40mm miniatures is based on the characters represented in the HBO series and are very nice take of the actors. Leading the way is Jon Snow flanked by Ghost but you also get Sam, Green and Eddison Tollet. A wonderful set of miniatures for those wanting to bring the Night's Watch to their tabletop games.

Going up against the Night's Watch who have perhaps ranged too far from their base, you have a set representing the terror of the White Walkers.

White Walkers - Game Of Thrones Miniatures Game

White Walkers // Game Of Thrones Miniatures Game

This set comes with a lumbering undead giant, the Night King and a band of White Walkers that you'll recognise from the show. Their undead minions are neat and I like the shrunken and shrivelled fellow on the back left who is all haunted skull.

Objective Decks

As well as the two sets of 40mm thermoplastic miniatures, you can also pick up two decks of Objective Cards for both the Night's Watch and the White Walkers.

Nights Watch Objective Deck - Game Of Thrones Miniatures Game

Night's Watch Objective Deck // Game Of Thrones Miniatures Game

White Walkers Objective Deck - Game Of Thrones Miniatures Game

White Walkers Objective Deck // Game Of Thrones Miniatures Game

These decks give you the specific objectives for both factions so you can play out some properly thematic games. I quite like both of these sets from Knight Models and as always, they seem to have nailed the look of the actors/characters from the show. If you're a fan of A Game Of Thrones then these sets might be great for painters seeking a new challenge.

Could you be tempted to pick up these new sets? Which do you prefer?

"This set of 40mm miniatures is based on the characters represented in the HBO series..."

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