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“I will dominate you fully with my Spectrum!”

“I will dominate you fully with my Spectrum!”

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Hazytown continues

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
True to form as soon as I poured resin into the pond the cat visited and created a mini tsunami. The cat is now missing…?True to form as soon as I poured resin into the pond the cat visited and created a mini tsunami. The cat is now missing…?
So after recovering from the great Cat Tsunami of 24 I think I can finally say Hazytown is complete. The pond hasn’t full cured yet hence the white in there but apart from that im happy with the result. It’s all about the forklifts!So after recovering from the great Cat Tsunami of 24 I think I can finally say Hazytown is complete. The pond hasn’t full cured yet hence the white in there but apart from that im happy with the result. It’s all about the forklifts!

On Arakis they have Spice, in Hazytown we have Beige!

Hazytown continues

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zorghazyboy75hairybrains Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Excellent work, I have a tech and corporate armies sitting a box look at me asking when is it our turn for the paint. Have you tried a game yet and if so how did you find it?

Cult of Games Member

That’s a fabulous looking set off game terrain and figures for the table’s @hazyboy75

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