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Napoleon in Egypt - Expédition Baïonnette en Argent

Napoleon in Egypt - Expédition Baïonnette en Argent

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Albanian Soldiers

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
Albanian Soldiers

Back to painting humans rather than the supernatural monsters with some Albanian soldiers. Rather than being part of the French Armée d’Orient like the others in this project so far, these chaps are part of the Ottoman army.

I found quite a few variations on clothing colours for these troops. Whilst the white pleated skirt-like garment (called a fustanella) is very standard, jackets are depicted in several colours, mainly green or red, often with a lot of embellishments and details. Paintings by Paja Jovanovic caught my interest the most (see the two examples below), so I based my colour schemes around these (although passed on the detailing).

No idea how historically accurate these are, but I quite like the end look of bright red against the white.

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Cult of Games Member

The Albanians came out looking really cool.

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