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Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men

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Tiffany, Land under Wave Part Three

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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One ten day holiday later and with only two nights to work on the head before the Spring Clean Challenge ends, it’s time to get cracking. After my last post, Scribbs suggested finding a doll’s head to act as a base for Tiff. I struggled to find one in a charity shop however I mentioned it to a friend with a child-thing. She gave me a small Barbie that wouldn’t be missed.

I forgot to take photos of the start of the process but all her hair was cut and burnt off her hair. I primed it to get a better idea of how the face might look. At this point I wasn’t sure I liked it. So I tried doing my own with the Sculpey. That lasted an hour and then I came back, grovelling to get to use the bald Barbie.

Some green stuffed hair and eyebrows later and she looks not too bad. I blutac-ed the head into the body after putting some Vaseline down the back – the idea was to let the green stuff dry lying in place to the hair would sit properly but not stick to the existing paint job. I’m turning into my own worst enemy at this point chasing a perfection I’m not currently capable of doing. I’ve never done any sculpting before this project and the idea that I was going to manage a reasonable human face was always overly ambitious. In the spirit of “done, not perfect” the doll’s head is fine.

Leaving the green stuff to dry overnight, an early morning prime and paint before work. The eyes are… disturbing and I need to go in and do a little gap filling on the neck but on the 19th of June, at 10.09 am I can officially call her (and the army) finished.

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