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Dan's 2024 Side Projects

Dan's 2024 Side Projects

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Hulk Buster and Iron Man - Part 2

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4

For the gold I painted one coat of lamenters yellow over the silver areas. For the red I painted two layers of a now-discontinued Forge World airbrush paint, angron red (clear). I’m really happy with how well these colours turned out. It’s a really good metallic effect.


The blue arc-reactors and eyes were layered calador skyteclis bluelothern blue and then fenrisian grey.


The jets were layered the same blue colours in bands, starting from the darkest near the source and ending with a band of white scar near the smoke clouds. I then mixed a white wash with about 1 part white scar to 4 parts lahmian medium and then washed over the jets.


The bases were painted skavenblight dinge.


The clouds were painted with a wash of 1:1 stormvermin fur and lahmian medium.


To create the glow effect coming from in the clouds I made a wash of 1 part flash gitz yellow to 4 parts lahmian medium. I applied three or four coats at the base of the jets and the inner parts of the clouds, making each layer smaller than the last.

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sundancerReverend James Jones (Jimmie) Recent comment authors
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Brilliant work! ?

Cult of Games Member

2024-06-18 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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