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"Hola amigo, I come to suck your blood!"

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A Gallery of Ghosts.

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7

Hi everyone,

I played two games of Silver Bayonet this weekend, and I decided to paint up something related in order to get me wound-up for a long haul on the game.

I decided to do something easy in oils and went for the ghosts.  I painted these in an ethereal green. The amazing part is that I painted all six in less than  three hours and a half.

Six ghosts painted in oils.Six ghosts painted in oils.

When I restart painting minis for this game, I will have to finish my French team.  I am tired of playing with them unpainted – very shameful on my part, especially when I harp on that this is my favourite genre!

Until next time stay safe and have fun as always.


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Cult of Games Member

A stand of Reaper figures, I think. Are those glorious metal or the Bones line?

Cult of Games Member

2024-06-18 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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