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Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

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Warlord Games Epic Triarii

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I undercoated the front of the minis white and the rear black with Halfords rattle cans. I then painted all the areas that were going to be metal black. I did this so that I had a black line between each colour and also I prefer painting metallics over dark colours. Before spraying the figures I used Tamiya masking tape to cover the contact points of each strip. This was to ensure as clean a join as possible when it came to gluing the strips together after painting. I used Vallejo Xpress colours as much as possible. Any areas that I needed to paint white after the undercoat had been applied were obviously done before they were applied. I used two colours for the shields : Seraph Red and Plasma Red for a bit of variety. I did not have a good bronze colour in my collection so I purchased Vallejo Game Colour Bright Bronze. I was absolutely delighted with this colour. I shaded it with Liquitex Burnt Umber on the helmets and added some highlights with the original metal colour.

Warlord Games Epic Triarii

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