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The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

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D-day part deux

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 4
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Played a great game of Warhammer last night.
Orc assault the river bank to try and take the mausoleum from the undead.
Forces were secretly allocated to boats.
Boats would come on at orc players discretion from turn two onwards. The undead had to have uncontested base to base contact if the mausoleum for one whole turn sequence to double the raise the dead results for the rest of the game! They could also raise undead kraken in the water to attack the boats.
Orcs win if all necromancers dead or the have control of the mausoleum by end of play.

The orcs rolled atrociously. It was evident from turn one the orcs should have taken more magic users. The undead dominated magic and it was all that could be done to turn back just one spell!
The undead concentrated on raising the dead and using their fear to make orcs panic! And panic they did…..
Also, the orcs chose this day to have many bouts of animosity.
A particular highlight was the orc commanders unit in the big raft with Lee the giant, choosing to attack Lee in the boat. Lee attacked back and yelled and balled, scaring the orc unit to run away…….jumping overboard. 2/3 of the mega unit drowned including the commander. Many were lost to undead kraken.
Lee landed ashore and jumped up and down on a skeleton horde while the bedraggled survivors hauled themselves back on the boat just in time for the end of the battle. The other boat with berserkers managed to destroy kraken and land successfully on the beach, only to be shot down by screaming skulls and crossbow fire. They ran away.
Amazing fun game with a thorough victory to the undead. Next time we have decided to do a full board beach asssault with smaller number of defenders and large amount of orc assault rafts!
Great evening of Warhammer!

the assault rafts are made entirely from balsa wood with working drop ramps! The project was taken out of the old battles in middle earth magazines from games workshops first lord of the rings film  release in 2001. Great magazines they are too, among the best for hobby projects ever. I’m currently working on a corsair ship from these magazines for an upcoming assault the sea port mega game this autumn. Can’t wait!

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