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Desert Storm 1991 - 15mm Wargame Video

Desert Storm 1991 - 15mm Wargame Video

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Beyond Sword Beach - 80th Anniversary D-Day Wargame

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Everyone knows about the furious fighting along the beaches of Normandy eighty years ago this week.  Here’s a game depicting one of the key fights behind the beach, using Mark Ritchie’s Tactical Combat miniatures system.

Elements of the British 3rd Infantry Division and 27th Armoured Brigade have landed at Sword Beach.  They push inland to Périers Ridge, where meet one of the few real German counterattacks that day.  Kampfgruppe Oppeln of the 21st Panzer Division wants that ridge back, the ideal high ground from which to shell the British still coming ashore on Sword Beach.  The British, of course, politely disagree.

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