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Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

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Skin and weapons

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Here I thought I would explain my more detailed method for skin on figures. I used Army Painter Barbarian Flesh as a basecoat and washed this with an old GW flesh wash that I had mixed with their Seraphim Sepia. I then applied a glaze of GW Screaming Pink around the cheeks, and nose. If teeth are showing I will pick them out with an ivory colour. The bottom lip is painted with GW Tuskgor Fur. The gap between the lips or the inside of the mouth is done with GW Rhinox Hide. Glazes of the original flesh are done to highlight the cheeks,brow, chin,lips  and nose. Further highlights are done with this colour mixed with Vallejo Pale Flesh. For WWII figures especially I like to add stubble. This is achieved with glazes of a 50/50 mix of GW Terradon Turquoise and Space Wolves Grey. Make sure you apply this carefully with not too much paint on your brush.

The rifle was base coated with Vallejo Flat Brown. Highlights were done with GW Zandri Dust and wood grain was applied with Rhinox Hide. The ‘wood’on the rifle was then glazed with Scale 75 Inktense Wood. The metal parts of the rifle were painted black and then rubbed with a soft pencil. Extreme highlights were done with GW Leadbelcher.

Skin and weapons

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