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Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

Hobby Roundup. Spring Clean 2024.

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Autumn Oak Leaf Camo

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I started from a base coat of a 50/50 mix of GW XV88 and Scale 75 Thar Brown. I then added large irregular shapes of GW Thondia Brown. About 50-70% of the dark brown had irregular shapes of GW Mournfang added within and sometimes to the edge or even overlapping into the pale brown base colour. Smaller ‘dots’ of this were painted on the pale brown too. Dots and small irregular patterns of Vallejo Bright Orange were then placed within the larger brown areas and even within some of the smaller dots. The uniform was then washed with GW Agrax Earthshade. The orange areas had highlights of GW Fire Dragon Bright placed on them and the original pale brown mix was highlighted with a slightly brighter mix which was achieved by adding more of the Thar Brown into it.

Autumn Oak Leaf Camo

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