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Dredd to Thieftakers Volume 2- VICTORIANS

Dredd to Thieftakers Volume 2- VICTORIANS

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Perp-Criminal Cards part two

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Perp-Criminal Cards part two

Henry Smith Westly– was in his late teens when he shot his father dead for “always finding fault with me” and going on the run. The Police checked the solicitors office where he worked as a clerk and found the body of teenager William Onions who had been beaten and stabbed with a two foot fish knife. Henry had prepared himself by killing the boy first before shooting his father. Onions had always irritated him at work by chewing loudly and coffing. Henry was found hiding in an out house. He was considered insane and was sent to Broadmoor.

Mary Ann Boot– stole a dress worth 28 shillings and received six months in gaol.

Ann Wilson– was caught spending counterfeit coins and charged with Uttering and received 12 months. A crime that carried the death penalty in the Georgian version of the game.

John Jackson– was a common poacher which was a very common 19th century crime and in 1856 was sentenced to seven years transportation to the colonies.

Joseph Simpson-was a burglar with a sentence of transportation for life but in 1844 he and six other inmates at the County Gaol overpowered a guard and took his keys. During the break out attempt the gang got lost around the building before eventually bumping into another gaoler who they gave a fractured skull and fled the prison. One man was recaptured at the door by a pursuing staff member while the others escaped. One was caught an hour later still wearing his distinctive prison uniform. He claimed to be an inmate of the local lunatic asylum out for a walk. One man was found a few weeks later hiding out at a friends armed with a gun. Another was found in London five years later after his girlfriend ratted him out. Simpson and the others who had sense to steal a change of clothes and flee were never seen again.

William Hancliffe was sentenced to two months by magistrates for being a bigamist. I’m sure those two wives weren’t still around when he got out.



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