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Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men

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The Big Men

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The army needed some more named characters to really feel like the Chalk clan to me. A bit of a shorter (with no quotes) post for this one – I’m running up against my deadline for the project of next Wednesday and I really want to get to that finish line!

Big Yan

Described as being tall for a feegle (7 inches!), finding a 25mm model that would work was pretty quick work. I ordered three from this website because the photos were awful and the models only £1.20 each. This guy won in the end and was painted to match the rest of the army.

The Big Men

William the Gonnagle

Named for the worst poet the world, or certainly Scotland, has ever seen. William the Gonnagle is the musician in the army. Except instead of inspiring his side, he plays dirges on the mousepipes so terrible that they dishearten the opposition. The original army list doesn’t have musicians but if that doesn’t scream goblin wizard, I don’t know what does.

The model itself is one of the sculpts used for the Jolly Sailors. Repositioning the arms wasn’t possible but a bit of green stuff, some floral wire and a lot of swearing and we have an approximation of bagpipes made from a mouse. Or maybe we don’t. Either way, I’m not going near that thing again.

The Big Men

Rob Anybody

Rob is the big man of the clan. The chief. The one who can write, sort of. He’s also the only nod to 3D printing in the army. He is a free stl from here. I felt he needed to look different from the rest of the army but none of the command options I’d got worked. This stl had a kilt, a bit two handed weapon and wasn’t wearing armour, he’ll do.

The Big Men

And with that, everything in the army is done except the part that has scared me the most. Tiffany. Better to do a thing than live with the fear of it, right?

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