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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Quick Wound Markers

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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You need to record the number of wounds taken for each model in Bushido. You can sleeve your card and use a white board pen to mark off the wounds on the wound tracker, but I prefer to use wound markers. The official token set doesn’t include any tokens for this and we have been using Imperial Assault tokens as a substitute, but these are quite big. So I wanted to make some smaller ones.

My criteria is,

  • Cheap to make
  • Quick to make (don’t want to waste valuable hobby time faffing around with something like tokens)
  • Easy to pick up (I’ve got fat fingers)

After searching around the internet, I settled on a sheet of red rubber dots. These came in a sheet of 100 and with a sticky back. You can get these from the usual online retailers for a couple of pounds.

A sheet of red rubber dotsA sheet of red rubber dots

I’ve got some very thing plasticard (0.5mm I think?) to use for backing. The combination of the rubber dot and smooth plastic back will make the tokens easy to pick up. I’ve luckily got a hole punch the same size as the rubber dots, so it is a simple case of punching out the plasticard.

Quick Wound Markers

For extra stickiness, I’ve super glued the plasticard to the rubber dot to make each token.

Quick Wound Markers

All told, it took less than an hour to put together 100 wound tokens that look fine and serve a purpose.

Quick Wound Markers

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