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Painting Border Reivers...and their Wee Toun

Painting Border Reivers...and their Wee Toun

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Bit of Building & Base Coating

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Built and base coated some of the last Flags of War Kickstarter miniatures though not sure if all of these will get fully painted by the 2oth June but I’ll give it a bash, maybes I’ll get a few of them done. I also primed my Borders cows and sheep coz those Reivers will need something to reive.

I also got the first base coats down on the Gallowglass & Kerns, I was going for a green and white colour scheme anyway so no fears of being cut any time soon. The rest of the Reivers are nearly done just a bit of highlighting possibly and some nice basing and they’ll be finito. Lastly, I’ve some basing to do for my painted Hoka Hey miniatures which will hopefully tie them in a bit with the Flags of War lads.

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