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Wee Free Men

Wee Free Men

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Luggit Gang No.4

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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“Well, I’m not supposed to know about what my father calls the Special Sheep Liniment” said Tiffany. “Granny Aching used to make it in the old cowshed.” “Strong stuff, is it?” “It dissolves spoons… It’s for special occasions. Father says it’s not for women because it puts hairs on your chest.” “Then if you want to be sure of finding the Nac Mac Feegles, go and fetch some… it will work, believe me.” (pg. 88)

Regiment number four includes a bottle of Special Sheep Liniment. In the context of the army rules, this will be the base with the Brew of Haste.

The bottle itself is made from green stuff.

The size of the bottle in relation to Feegles comes from the “Terry Pratchett: HisWorld” book where there is a beautiful piece of Paul Kidby artwork called simply The Chalk. In the foreground you can see a couple of feegles running with a bottle.

Painting was a bit slapdash but I have a deadline of getting everything finished before the 5th of June rather than the 20th for the Spring Clean Challenge. Getting everything to “done enough” is the goal, I can always come back and work on it more internet the future.

Luggit Gang No.4

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