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Spring Clean Challenge Bauhaus Imperial Guard

Spring Clean Challenge Bauhaus Imperial Guard

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Veteran Guard

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

As if there isn’t enough to do I recently converted an extra unit of veteran guardsmen.  These were based on the bodies and arms of a Wargames Atlantic Grognard sprue I had as a sample from somewhere.  These were then combined with the heads from a sprue of Warlord Games Crimean Russians – note to self, thanks for never throwing anything away.  I then went for the basic colours of the rest of the army which is largely based around Vallejo Game Color Sombre Grey.  To this I added a uniform of Tyrian Navy.  This was touched up with a blend of the Night Blue used on the Mordians and Vallejo Model Color Dark Sea Blue.  Blanket rolls are Vallejo Model Color Sky Blue.  Overall I wanted an effect reminicent of the Mordians but looking either like an older uniform pattern or a faded guard uniform.

Veteran Guard
Veteran Guard
Veteran Guard

The other half of this kitbash, the bodies of the Crimean Russians became a unit of deranged cultist infantry for my Silver Bayonet 1850 project.  They use heads from North Star’s Frostgrave Cultists.  You can see the entry about the “Cult of the Count” here.

Veteran Guard

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