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Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

Bolt Action Japanese 1000pts army

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Type 94 Tankette

Tutoring 0
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Japanese Type 94 Tankette. Probably terrible in game, with it only armed with a machine gun, but I think it's cute and wanted it as an option for my force.Japanese Type 94 Tankette. Probably terrible in game, with it only armed with a machine gun, but I think it's cute and wanted it as an option for my force.
I used the same colours as my other vehicles and am happy with the result. I couldn't find my transfers so painted some flags of my own.I used the same colours as my other vehicles and am happy with the result. I couldn't find my transfers so painted some flags of my own.
The tank looked tiny so I looked online to check for scale... And it was so small it could fit on the back of a Sherman and be carted off as a war trophy.The tank looked tiny so I looked online to check for scale... And it was so small it could fit on the back of a Sherman and be carted off as a war trophy.

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