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A Brave New World

A Brave New World

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Search and Rescue

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7

With the Raiders seen off, at least for the time being it is decided to take the opportunity to search the wagon they were so desperate to retain.

Hidden under some old clothing is a small child who tells you that he was on a scavenging hunt with his father and two men from his settlement when the raiders found them.  His father instructed them all to flee while he held the attackers off.   The child watched as his father was gunned down and ran back to help him, where he was easily overpowered and taken as a hostage, no doubt to be used to extort even more from his homestead.  The two others managed to escape and headed into the sewer network below the factory.

Unfortunately, all the gunfire disturbed a pack of feral Ghouls which, although killed off most of the attacking Raiders also cut off the two scavengers from escaping the sewer system.

Not being the type of people to turn your back on someone in need, or rather just knowing the look on Preston’s face should you not offer to help, it’s time to prep those guns and go down into the gloom to rescue those scavengers.

So, a search and rescue mission sounded like it could be fun.  Just for the added excitement, it’s going to be in poor lighting, and why is there an ominous green glow?


For this scenario, we reduced the range of interacting with investigation tokens down to the much smaller red range ruler.  We also had a rule that if you entered the murky water or ended the turn in the water you would take radiation damage.  In addition to that, the yellow toxic waste barrels also had an area effect where if you ended your turn within a certain range, they would also cause radiation damage.  Finally, the feral ghouls, once killed would respawn at the far end of the board.

The survivors had to search for two lost scavengers and then once located, safely exit the sewers by one of three exit ladders.

My friends Adam and Tarron for Alpha Strike here in Perth, took a break from all their Battletech videos and managed to take a hasty video of the game.

Once they have sorted it out a little, I will upload it here too.

Search and Rescue
Search and Rescue
Search and Rescue
Search and Rescue
Search and Rescue
Search and Rescue

Adam and Tarron of Alpha Strike here in Perth did a little battle report, recorded on a mobile phone.   Just a word of warning, the camera moves around quite a lot so not for those with motion sickness.

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