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French Napoleonic Transport

French Napoleonic Transport

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Getting Started

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
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A few years ago we were going to use a set of Napoleonic rules where there had to be an area of dead ground behind a deployed artillery battery. Rather than simply using the limbers to designate the area I had the idea of using various other vignettes. To this end I bought various models to use. Then as can be expected we did not use the rules ?.

These models have since been in my “pile of potential” ever since as they have no real value on the wargames table. To give me a break from painting ancients and with the Spring Clean Challenge will this give me the motivation to get them done.

The first set out of the pile is the Perry Miniatures “field forge”. The first challenge was assembly of the various parts without gluing my fingers together with superglue!

Various small white metal parts Various small white metal parts

Now as can be seen it is not just the forge but the farrier and assistant, customer and an interested bystander.

Next steps will be the research into the uniforms for the farrier and also a decision as to what hussar uniforms need to be painted. My French army is mainly focused on the Peninsular War so I need to identify which hussars were deployed and when.

The various elements to be completed The various elements to be completed
Getting Started

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