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Anyone seen my Pachyderm

Anyone seen my Pachyderm

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The other units I completed were the Balearic Slingers and the Cretan Archers. Both these units can be used for either the Carthaginians or the Romans so its a 2 for 1 deal.

I based one unit of each on sabot bases and the other as a multi base so I still have some for the skirmish games.

For the Balearic Slingers I followed the description in on of the old WRG Macedonian and Punic Wars books which was based on a roman source that described them dressed as in the “Spanish” fashion. This was white tunics edged with purple or deep red. The figures were Victrix.

Balearic SlingersBalearic Slingers

The Cretans are Gripping Beast figure so one piece and metal and no construction required ?.

Again these were painted in muted tones to represent “undyed” cloth.

Cretan ArchersCretan Archers

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Cult of Games Member

I think you might get some props from Lloyd if you featured these Balearics outdoors as well for the Spring Clean Challenge.

Cult of Games Member

2024-04-16 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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