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Ewok's Spring Clean Challenges 2024

Ewok's Spring Clean Challenges 2024

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Riftforged Orcs

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 3

I want to make a ridiculously blingy and colourful orc army, so I set about building some of the grunts.

First up, some flying orcs called Riftwalkers, these are heavy infantry and I guess the expectation is to use the same infantry as the others.  I plan to use a lot of turbo dork metallics and colour shifts, basically I want these lot to look out of place in the world.

  • So flying orcs it is then –  let’s do Ironman red and golds. I may shop around for different orc heads, I am really not convinced by the Mantic helmed ones
Riftforged Orcs

Not really satisfied with the results and the heads, further experimentation is required. I will try a wash on one orc, some edge highlighting on another.

Bearing in mind this is a process for army painting I may have to take a different approach, contrast over silver perhaps .

It’s a head scratcher, but I am enjoying the experiments.

Also I ordered some alternative heads for the flying orcs


Update 22/04 the heads arrived and are a bit too big. Back to the drawing board.

I have been dragging my heels picking up these orcs again. So far I am happy with the colours, need to decide on the weapons though, thinking purple hafts, gunmetal blue housings and a brass for the business end. For other armour parts black templar contrast over oily steel.

So having finally got a method and sequence established I finished off a couple of regiments worth.

Now to try and make an interesting base


Two regiments in the bag, I am calling this one done

The Future

I have a load more orcs to build and paint for the army. Realistically this is a 2025 project, they’re not the most enjoyable models to paint, and there’s a lot of steps to get these table ready. Arguably too many for army painting. But I am fairly pleased with the end result.

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Cult of Games Member

Oooooooh, this is going to be an exciting one to follow!

Cult of Games Member

Your metallics wash out the focus of minis. Perhaps with matte varnish on the nonmetallic bits it’ll balance out.

If nothing else an exercise in figuring out metallic contrast?

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