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I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

I can't stop thinking about ancient Rome - De Bellis Antiquitatis edition

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Oh no! More Romans

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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They are here! My Gauls and remaining Romans from Xyston have arrived. For the Romans I got some Auxiliaries, Iberian Javelin Riders for Light Horse Cavalry, and Elephant, a Scorpion bold thrower, and Julius Caesar personality pack.

For the Gauls we have Gallic Soldurii as, Gaesati with Swords, Gallic Archers, Gallic nobles, and Gaul armored calvary.

I did an inventory and realized I forgot to order the chariots and Roman Cavalry I need to offer all options out of the DBA book for both army lists.

Going through the minis I had forgotten how much flash you have when working with metals. I was spoiled that past me had done all the prep work back in the day on these so I’m still cleaning these up as I write this. Some flash here, a mold line there, and some bent swords all gets fixed up and stuck onto painting sticks. The elephant was in pieces so that needed to be put together. The howdah was fiddly to put together but after some effort I got it together straight enough to put that down on the stick as well. Once these are all cleaned and prepped they will get primed right away. I thought it would take one night but the amount of flash is requiring several sessions.

My Baueda miniatures camps also arrived and I put these together as well. Test fitting them together there is a lot of trimming that needs to be done to these as well. These are resin molds for the embankments and the straight palisades but the other is 3D resin which is interesting. I’m happy with the quality of these and put in another order for the pieces needed to make a 160mm square fort for a build up area terrain piece. In contacting Baueda to place the order found out they are moving to all 3D resin to crisp up the details. I’m looking forward to getting those.

Back to the camp pieces I trim the flash and edges of the palisades and test fit again. Since each section is 40mm there is a bit of overhang due to the corners. I grab the clippers and trim that off on each and glue everything down. A camp is a compulsory terrain item each side needs if there isn’t a build up area they are defending. The camp must be one base width by three or in my case 40mm x 120mm. Two L shapes and a room for a gate. These are now ready to prime with the rest of the figures.

Back to flash cleaning for me and then I can prime and get the figures ready for painting. With everything I have twice as much to paint as what I started with so this might take me to the end of the Spring Clean Challenge. We shall see if the expanded goal can still be met. Until next post happy hobby time everyone!

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horati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Xyston has great stuff and this army build is proof that they’ll be in business until they decide not to be. Good show for the work and hard work you’re putting into the game you love.

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