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Johns Relics Resurrection

Johns Relics Resurrection

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Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 8

They are coming!

The Red coats are the most eye-catching element of the models. From a distance you know what these little guys are about SPREADING COLONIALI-…..Being a cohesive military force…. yes.

1: Dragon Red: A beautifully rich red for the basecoat.

2: Resplendent Red: Used to pick out areas between details, like stitches. Same principle with the “skin” adds a little tone (and may be the step skipped for unit painting)

3: Magenta Tone: A deep purple wash to punch into those details! (applied all over the coat)

4: Angelic Red: A final highlight to catch those stitches and sharp edges.

With the method in my head, I moved ahead to complete the character using the same, four step, approach, knowing that one or two steps can be skipped for unit painting!

My first completed model for the project! My first completed model for the project!
This is the set of paints that has gotten me this far. And will handle the majority of what I have. This is the set of paints that has gotten me this far. And will handle the majority of what I have.

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sundancerhorati0nosebl0wer Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

A fine looking beginning of paint. I’ll be a bastard and offer the idea of doing your shadows in the folds of the coat in a watered down purple ink through the airbrush to kick off the contrast.

Cult of Games Member

2024-06-11 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

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