A Clash of Testy Ronins: Ewok goes East
Samurai Rescue
I think I got a bit caught in the new Shogun series as well as the ‘race’ between Lloyd and Justin and their samurai army. I had really liked the colour scheme of my test of honour warband and wanted to see it on a slightly grander scale.
While perusing eBay I found an abandoned project up for sale, 65 metal Samurai for a little over £1 a model, so I figured why not.
Next up is drybrushing. I also added some figures I had primed previously. I also started throwing some of the plastics together.
Second days progress, I have a day and a half before I am back at work, if I push it I may be able to get these done and make a start on the plastics.
Not got as far as I had hoped with the metal figures, but I reckon I could get them done by the weekend . Then just 48 plastics to build and paint. That might become a spring clean challenge….
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