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The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

The Empire Responds to the invasion of the Uruk Hai

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The college of magic goes to war

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
Admittedly there is a giant and two warrior priests but they will join the religious nutbag wagon train. The rest is all from the Royal College of Applied Magical Arts Admittedly there is a giant and two warrior priests but they will join the religious nutbag wagon train. The rest is all from the Royal College of Applied Magical Arts
Some lovely old metal minis in here, love the 1970’s lead fella. Real character in his pose without being all over the place like modern minis.Some lovely old metal minis in here, love the 1970’s lead fella. Real character in his pose without being all over the place like modern minis.
I’m a real fan of simple but characterful metal models. They just draw me in aesthetically every time over the dancing posers of many styles.I’m a real fan of simple but characterful metal models. They just draw me in aesthetically every time over the dancing posers of many styles.
Only two mounted wizards but I like options so two is enough.Only two mounted wizards but I like options so two is enough.

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you need a Rincewind for balance!

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