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Warhammer Quest (1995) Rebuilt

Warhammer Quest (1995) Rebuilt

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In search of dragons

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
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I’ve made it half way through the previous list I posted to prune out models that didn’t make the cut for fit and feel. I’m trying to grab all of a faction from the same designer so that they feel cohesive but different. There are some situations where there wasn’t a good fit I picked a model from another designer. But as you will see I’m sticking to a smaller pool of them than my first list. I’m keeping the old list in case anyone following the project likes one of those models better they can find it. I’ve also updated the names to the designer and then the name of it on MyMiniFactory. Should help others when searching.

I also made a post in the forums to get the hive mind to help me discuss options to use for the three dragons listed as the GW dragons seem really hard to find details. If you know more gladly reply to this and inform me.

Here is the updated list of what I got finished and I’m about half way. I will post an updated list once it is done which should be this weekend.

I have also cleaned my 3D printing area in my office and getting a few odds and ends to handle resin safely. I initially underestimated that. I still need to find a better spot for the resin printer.

Edit: Thanks for following the project and I will see you on the next post where we work on getting the 3D printer area set up. In the meantime here is the draft full list:

Model Needed Have Where
Beastmen 8 Raven Twin Miniatures Beastmen Wildhorns with Shield
Beastmen Champions 6 Raven Twin Miniatures Beastmen Longhorn Warriors
Beastman Hero 1 Raven Twin Miniatures Beastmen Wildhorns Command Group
Beastman Lord 2 Raven Twin Miniatures Beastmen Warlord
Beastman Shaman 2 Raven Twin Miniatures Mongrel Shaman
Breastman Shaman Champions 2 Raven Twin Miniatures Wildhorn Shaman
Minotaurs 3 3 Raven Twin Miniatures Minotaur Unit (Multiple Weapons)
Minotaur Champions 3 Raven Twin Miniatures Minotaur Unit (Multiple Weapons)
Minotuar Hero 1 Raven Twin Miniatures Minotaurs Command Group
Centaurs 3 Raven Twin Miniatures Beastmen Centaurs
Centaur Champions 3 Raven Twin Miniatures Centaurs Command Group
Centaur Hero 1 One Page Rules Beastmen Centaur Boss
Chaos Dwarves
Hobgoblins 9 Titan Forge Miniatures Infernal Dwarves Vassal Levies
Chaos Dwarfs 8 Empire Miniatures Immortal
Chaos Dwarf Champions 12 Empire Miniatures Elite Immortals
Chaos Dwarf Lord 1 Empire Miniatures Supreme Lord
Chaos Dwarf Blunderbuss 8 Empire Miniatures Infernal Warriors
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer 1 Empire Miniatures Prophet
Chaos Dwarf Master Sorcerer 1 Titan Forge Miniatures Infernal Dwarves Prophet
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer Lord 1 Titan Forge Miniatures Infernal Dwarves Overlord
Bull Centaurs 3 Titan Forge  Miniatures Infernal Dwarves Taurukh Enforcerers
Bull Centaur Champion 3 Titan Forge  Miniatures Infernal Dwarves Taurukh Enforcerers
Bull Centaur Hero 3 Raven Twin  Miniatures Taurukh Hero
Bull Centaur Lord 1 Titan Forge Miniatures Infernal Dwarves Taurukh Commissioner
Dragon Ogres 3 Magori Miniatures Dragon Ogre Squad
Dragon Ogres Champion 3 Magori Miniatures Dragon Ogre Squad
Dragon Ogre Hero 1 Magori Miniatures Dragon Ogre Squad
Lammasu 1 Titan Forge Miniatures Infernal Dwarves Lamassu
Great Taurus 1 Titan Forge Miniatures Infernal Dwarves Lamassu
Chaos Daemons
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch 6 Juan Dadomo Acolytes of Tziich 5-pack
Blue Horrors of Tzeentch 5 Juan Dadomo Fire Terror of Tziich 5-pack
Juan Dadomo Terror of Tziich A
Flamers of Tzeentch 7 Juan Dadomo Warp Wails of Tziich 3 pack
Lord of Change 1 Juan Dadomo Lord of Transmutation
Daemonettes of Slaanesh 6 Juan Dadomo Daemonstress 6 pack
Fiends of Slaanesh 6 Juan Dadomo Soulhunter of Lustnesh 6 pack
Keeper of Secrets 1 Juan Dadomo Keeper of the Nameless
Bloodletters of Khorne 8 One Page Rules War Warriors
Juggernaugts of Khorne 4 One Page Rules War Beast Riders
Bloodthirster 1 Juan Dadomo Belphagor Demon Prince
Plaguebearers of Nurgle 8 Juan Dadomo Bringers of Corruption 6 pack
Beasts of Nurgle 3 Juan Dadomo Bug Rider
Nurglings 12 Juan Dadomo Swarm of Corrupters
Great Unclean One 1 Juan Dadomo   Grand Corruptor
Chaos Warriors
Chaos Warriors 7 Artisan Guild Rodburg Cultists of Melmora (Complete Set – 56)
Chaos Champions 6 Artisan Guild Rodburg Cultists of Melmora (Complete Set – 56)
Chaos Hero 6 Monsterous Encounters Dark Crusaders Unit
Chaos Lord 1 Monsterous Encounters Dark Crusaders Unit
Chaos Sorcerer 3 Artisan Guild Rodburg Cultists of Melmora (Complete Set – 56)
Master Chaos Sorcerer 2 Artisan Guild Rodburg Cultists of Melmora (Complete Set – 56)
Dark Elves
Dark Elves 9 White Angel Miniatures Harpood Guards – Slaves of Darkness
Dark Elf Champions 12 Landor Miniatures Dark Elves Swordsmen
Dark Elf Hero 1 White Angel Miniatures Dark King – Slaves of Darkness
Dark Elf Lord 2 White Angel Miniatures Dark Emperor – Slaves of Darkness
Dark Elf Assassins 6 White Angel Miniatures Black Sea Corsairs – Slaves of Darkness
Dark Elf Beastmaster 1 White Angel Miniatures Blood Drinkers – Slaves of Darkness
Dark Elf Naggaroth Black Guards 8 White Angel Miniatures Death Guard – Slaves of Darkness
Warhounds 6 Magori Minaitures Twisted Warhound swarm
Chaos Hounds 6 One Page Rules War Hounds
Witch Elves 6 White Angel Miniatures Daughters of the Shadow Realm – Slaves of Darkness
Witch Elf Champions 6 White Angel Miniatures Harpies – Slaves of Darkness
Dark Elf Sorcerer 1 White Angel Miniatures Queen of the Dark Realms of the South – Slaves of Darkness
Giant Bats 12 12 One Page Rules Vampiric Giant Bats
Giant Spiders 12 12 Cult Miniatures Giant Spiders + Creep Spider
Giant Rats 12 12 Vinciminiatures Giant Rats
Giant Scorpions 3 Epic-Miniatures Giant Scoption / Wild Desert Arachnid / Poison Monster Encounter
Gigantic Spider 3 Cult Miniatures Giant Spiders + Creep Spider
Gorgons 3 Miguel Zavala Gorgon Updated
Cockatrice 1 Epic-Miniatures Cockatrice Classic / Huge Chicken Lizard Hybrid / Magical Bird Bat Beast
Hippogriff 1 Mierce Miniatures BaneBeasts Erathon, Hippogryf
Griffon 1 Epic-Miniatures Savage Gryphon / Classic Monster
Hydra 1 White Angel Miniatures Dark Sea Monster (Cartoony) – Slaves of Darkness
Giant 1 GW Mancrusher Gargant
Manticore 1 Avatars of War Manticore
Wyvern 1 Across the Realms Wyvern
Chimera 1 Mierce Miniatures Ysian Marzaon, Chimera
Dragon 1 Mantic Dragon
Great Dragon 1 Kyoushuneko Miniatures Gaelic Wood Elf Forest Dragon
Emperor Dragon 1 Mantic Elf Dragon kindred Lord on Dragon
Orcs & Goblins
Goblins 12 12 Highlands Miniatures Swamp Goblin with Bows
Highlands Miniatures Swamp Goblin with Pikes
Goblin Boss 1 Highlands Miniatures Swamp Goblin Boss
Goblin Big Boss 1 Highlands Miniatures Grubnax and Croakulus
Goblin Netters 6 Highlands Miniatures Swamp Goblin with Hand Weapons
Goblin Fanatics 3 Highlands Miniatures Swamp Goblins Stonethrowers
Goblin Squig Hurders Special Highlands Miniatures Swamp Goblins Herd
Wild Cave Squigs 3 Highlands Miniatures Swamp Goblins Herd
Trained Cave Squigs 3 Highlands Miniatures Swamp Goblins Frog Riders and Frog Riders with sticks
Goblin Shaman 1 Highlands Miniatures Swamp Goblin Shaman
Orcs 12 12 Highlands Miniatures Orc Archers
Highlands Miniatures Orc Warriors with Hand Weapons
Orc Boss 2 MOMminiatures GM Orcs Warriors
Orc Big Boss 6 MOMminiatures Orcs Warriors
Orc War Boss 1 Highlands Miniatures Borgok Skullcrusher
Black Orcs 10 MOMminiatures Black Orcs
Black Orc Champions 12 Highlands Minis Armoured Orcs
Black Orc Boss 1 MOMminiatures GM Black Orcs
Black Orc Big Boss 1 Empire Miniatures Ork Boss
Savage Orcs 6 Avatars of War Savage Orcs Battle-Ready regiment (16 Orcs)
Orc Shaman 1 Highlands Minis Orc Shamans
Orc Shaman Champion 1 Highlands Minis Orc Shamans
Orc Shaman Lord 1 Avatars of War Orc Witch
Savage Orc Shaman 1 Avatars of War Savage Orc female Shaman
Snotlings 12 12 MOMminiatures Snotlings
Trolls 2 Highlands Miniatures Swamp Trolls
Stone Trolls 3 Avatars of War Stone Trolls Battle-Ready regiment (10 Stone Trolls)
Ogres 3 Magori Minaitures Ogre heavy’s
Skaven Clanrats 12 12 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Warriors
Skaven Champion 1 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Warriors
Skaven Chieftain 1 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Warriors
Skaven Gutter Runners 6 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Assasins + Assasin Master
Skaven Assassins 8 Vinciminiatures Assassin Ratmen Set 3
Skaven Deathmaster Assassin 3 Vinciminiatures Assassin Ratmen Leader
Skaven Warpfire Thrower Team 3 Vinciminiatures Warpthrower Ratmen Set 2
Skaven Jezzails 6 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Gunslingers + Musketeers
Skaven Vermin Lord 1 Titan Forge Miniatures Vermin Tribe Vermin Khan
Skaven Stormvermin 12 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Armored Guard + Armored Boss
Skaven Stormvermin Champions 9 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Armored Guard + Armored Boss
Skaven Warlord 1 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Armored Guard + Armored Boss
Skaven Plague Censer Bearers 6 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Monks regiment + Plague Mage
Skaven Plague Monks 1 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Monks regiment + Plague Mage
Skaven Plague Priest 3 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Monks regiment + Plague Mage
Skaven Plague Lord 2 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Monks regiment + Plague Mage
Skaven Poison Globadiers 6 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Genadiers Regiment
Skaven Warlock 1 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Sorcerer
Skaven Warlock Champion 1 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Sorcerer
Skaven Master Warlock 1 Cult Miniatures Ratfolk Sorcerer
Skaven Grey Seer 2 Vinciminiatures Priest Plague Rat
Rat Ogre 3 Cult Miniatures Ogre Ratfolk
Ghosts 8 Highlands Miniatures Crypt Ghosts
Ghouls 12 Highlands Miniatures Ghouls Unit
Liche 1 Cult Miniatures Great Lich
Liche King 1 Kyoushuneko Miniatures Isnael – Undead King
Mummies 6 One Page Rules Mummified Desert Mummies
Mummy Tomb King 4 One Page Rules Mummified Priest
One Page Rules Mummified Queen
One Page Rules Mummified King
Necromancer 1 One Page Rules Vampiric Corpse Master
Necromancer Champion 1 One Page Rules Vampiric Necromancer
Master Necromancer 1 Highlands Miniatures The Necromancers
Necromancer Lord 1 Kyoushuneko Miniatures Verne – The Necromancer
Skeletons 12 One Page Rules Vampiric Skeleton Guard
Tomb Guardians 12 One Page Rules Mummified Royal Guard
Zombies 6 One Page Rules Vampiric Zombies
Wraiths 6 Highlands Miniatures Wraith Unit
Vampire Count 2 Highlands Miniatures Vampire Neophytes
Vampire Lord 1 One Page Rules Vampiric Lord
Vampire Lord Necromancer 1 One Page Rules Vampiric Lady
Wights 6 Monsterous Encounters Barrow Wights Unit
Wight Lord 2 Monsterous Encounters Wight King

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