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Manda's (Amachan) 'Oiling Up' Project

Manda's (Amachan) 'Oiling Up' Project

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Slow Progress....

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Over the last couple of weeks I have been working on the Late Imperial Roman Hornblower while also dealing with health issues, so progress has been slow. But here is the next update.

First off I did a coat of A-Stand Lacquer Varnish Klear Kote Flat (A.MIG-2502), this would give the acrylic paint a good protected surface. Which would be more important on metal models than this plastic one, but these models are all just testing and playing around. The varnish did leave a dusty residue, this will later disappear when I apply oil washes.

Slow Progress....

The varnish dulls down the metallic paints so I reapplied those over the model. The thought behind doing them before the varnish as well is that if it chips to the varnish it would just show the dull metallic colour and it wouldn’t be a massive issue. So I went over the mail with Vallejo Metal Color Burnt Iron (77.721), the bronze details with Vallejo Model Color Bronze (70.998) and the smaller metal bits with Scale Metal n’ Alchemy Thrash Metal (SC-64).

I mixed an oil wash from Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sepia (ABT002) and mineral spirits and applied that to most of the model and mixed another wash from Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Flesh Shadow (ABT215) and applied that over the skin.
And for the base I mixed a wash with Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Industrial Earth (ABT090) applied that over the whole base and then used a bit of thinned Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Green Grass (ABT094) and he is now playing a game of the ground is radioactive waste. Not what I was going for, so I applied a bit of the Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sepia (ABT002) wash over it to blend that in and darken it down a bit. And then I dried off the mineral spirits with a hair dryer.

I was not happy with the wash over the face so I applied a bit of the Abteilung 502 Modelling Oil Color Sepia (ABT002) wash over it and rubbed the excess off with a cotton bud.

I dried off the mineral spirits with a hairdryer again and then rubbed off any of the excess oil washes with a cotton bud and then on to the metallic bits. Using a silicone sculpting brush I applied a thin layer of AK Interactive True Metal Brass (AK460) over the bronze bits and AK Interactive True Metal Gun Metal (AK461) over the mail.

Some AK Interactive True Metal Steel (AK457) over the edges of the sword and that is the results so far.

Slow Progress....

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