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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Some Progress After a Frustrating Night

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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With one thing and another at work cancelling meetings, I ended up getting home a little early last night.  I was so excited to get some extra painting time.  I sat down at my desk, preparing to assemble Magneto, Toad, and some metal debris to be hurtled about.  As I removed the sprues from the ziplock bag I felt something delicate slide over my little finger before hearing the tiny and distant rattle of plastic on the hardwood floor.  Knowing that the wheels of my chair can do a great deal of damage to tiny plastic pieces I didn’t move but rather checked to see if it was a piece of the model or loose extra sprue which happens sometimes.  Nope, it was piece #1, Magneto’s head, of which there was no extra.  Of course there wasn’t.  So I carefully moved, got on my hands and knees with a flashlight and began searching for the next hour and a half everywhere it could have bounced/rolled but found nothing but dust and dog fur.  I moved furniture and stacks of boxes. I swept everywhere and searched through the dust pan.  Finally I sat down in the big comfy chair in front of my desk to have dinner and calm my OCD.  Finally I decided to look in the places I knew “it could never have rolled this far” and completely moved the big chair I had been sitting in. After picking up the dog toys and clumps of fur (I swear I could knit a complete dog with just the fur they shed) I got down on the floor with a flashlight. I swept up everything, searched through the dustpan again, and was about to give up in disgust with myself when I saw Magneto’s helmeted head looking right at me, there under the edge of the rug that was just under the front edge of the chair I had moved.  “Stop your grinnin’ and drop your linen. Found him!”  After two hours of that my floor had been swept spotless and I could begin assembling two of the Brotherhood.  Sigh. Now I will assemble the models over a little wooden tray in future.


I did get to put paint down on Kraven and Blade, however.  The first sets of pictures are where I started last night and the second set is where I ended up.  Barring any more unforeseen searches, I should be able to finish them tonight.

Some Progress After a Frustrating Night
Such a great sculpt full of movement and detailSuch a great sculpt full of movement and detail
Some Progress After a Frustrating Night
Some Progress After a Frustrating Night
Some Progress After a Frustrating Night
Some Progress After a Frustrating Night
Some Progress After a Frustrating Night
Some Progress After a Frustrating Night
A really nice model with wonderful facial detailA really nice model with wonderful facial detail
Some Progress After a Frustrating Night
Some Progress After a Frustrating Night

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