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Gorram's Grand Army Project

Gorram's Grand Army Project

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Gnight Gnomes Part 1

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9

I need a bit of a break from painting Orcs and Epic so I’m going back to something I started a few months ago. Back in Gnomevember 2023, I printed out a bunch of the fantastic gnomes from Warp Miniatures. Over three months, Alex sculpted a whole army as goblin proxies. Like everything he sculpts, they are so full of character but importantly for me, they are also easy and fun to paint.

Sunday was my only day off this week so I only managed to get the base coats down. The batch was 19 spearmen plus a wizard which might have been a bit much (though I might also just have been tired and grumpy… emotions are weird).

Base coats doneBase coats done

Base coats:

  • Robes – Vallejo Prussian blue
  • Hat & mushroom shields – Citadel Mephiston Red
  • Skin – Citadel Kislev flesh
  • Beards – Citadel White Scar (also used for mushroom spots)
  • Weapons – Citadel Doombull Brown and Army Painter Gunmetal
  • Shoes – Vallejo US Field Drab
  • Wizard robes and hat – Vallejo Royal Purple
  • Wizard shoes – Citadel Retributor Armour
  • Wizard staff – Citadel XV-88
  • Wizard’s bag – Vallejo Prussian Blue
  • Magic mushroom – Citadel Mephiston Red, White Scar for the cap and Contrast Hexwraith Flame for the smoke

At this point I spilt half the pot of Hexwraith Flame when my hand forgot what holding onto a thing was. Why do you never drop the thick paints that wouldn’t go everywhere?

Gnight Gnomes Part 1
Gnight Gnomes Part 1

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Cult of Games Member

2024-03-05 Your project has been visited by the unofficial Hobby Hangout. Huzza!

Cult of Games Member

Sweet baby Jeebus with his diaper full of poo, those are some bright gnomes! Yeesh, the hands need to be more mindful of where the eyes want them to be.

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