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Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

Salute 2024 dungeon/arena

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Lessons learned

Tutoring 4
Skill 1
Idea 4
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At the beginning of this project I said that this would be the test for this terrain system which has now been nicknamed 40K Lego in the club and it certainly has been. I have learned a number of things that I will use to improve the parts and I will soon be redesigning a MKII set. The first change will be to change the thickness of the base parts from 6mm to 7mm, this may not seem much but it will improve a number of things. Increasing robustness of parts, increasing surface area for gluing and allowing for a larger magnet hole (not that I have used magnets in this project but I want that option for the future). This also means that the corner spacers used in the columns will be 7mm thick and so 3 of them will make a column 21mm wide without the need for a second part of a different width which is what I have been doing. The second improvement will be to design several parts which are multiples of a smaller part. For example flor plates that are already 2×2 plates and 3×3 plates in one print. This will make it much easier to build larger sections. when this is all done I plan to make this available to the members of my club and see where it goes from there.

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