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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Finished off the second car from the core set. That just leaves a bulldozer to paint and all the core terrain will be complete.  Ultron, Cap, and Ironman are the last characters I need to paint.  I got Captain Marvel-Binary, Wasp,, and Tiny Wasp just about done.  They have reached the point where I feel they’re complete but will give them each a once over tonight to make sure I still feel that way.  Moon Knight, on the other hand is finished and photographed.  Such a great character and I think I did a good job on the different shades of white.

Almost done with the Core set but somehow have acquired more to paint.Almost done with the Core set but somehow have acquired more to paint.

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