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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Ultron's Drones Complete and Moon Knight gets started

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5

Keeping with a simple paint job I finished off the base of  Ultron’s Drones.  It is a great little kit, though fiddly to put together, that really looks like they are flying forward.  Moon Knight was a straight forward assembly and while he is all white I’ve been giving a lot of thought to how to differentiate the various areas as well as how to create shadows without overpowering the rest of the mini.

Ultron's Drones Complete and Moon Knight gets started
Ultron's Drones Complete and Moon Knight gets started
Ultron's Drones Complete and Moon Knight gets started
Ultron's Drones Complete and Moon Knight gets started
Ultron's Drones Complete and Moon Knight gets started
Ultron's Drones Complete and Moon Knight gets started

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Cult of Games Member

Great work. I am really enjoying seeing your collection grow and get painted. I have been thinking of jumping into the game, but I find the prices disheartening! €17 to €20 per model makes GW look cheap! I was thinking of buying X-Men proxies off on Etsy and printing out of their cards on the MCP Database just to see how the game plays.

What would be a good sized team for a 2 hrs game?

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