The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.
The Proxy Giant - Trying to Paint it Quickly - pt 2
Hi everyone,
I have finally finished painting up the giant, and just managed to take the photos and post them before going to bed!
From the last post, I added highlights and lowlights to the skin and apparel. Everything was done in acrylics in order to match the style with the rest of the army. If this was not the case, I would have painted this in oils.
As you can see, the armour is painted in the style of the Ogrions, and the clothes have the same colour as the Normalites.
I painted a little object-source-lighting along the legs and arms with blue oil paint. I just wanted a bit to embellish the lightening. With oil paints this takes only 5 minutes!
I am not sure what I am going to do for next week. I still have 9 Ogrion archers to paint up, so I might start working on them
Until next week, stay safe and have fun.
Thanks @sundancer, and sorry for the late reply. It is hard to write when the manager is around!