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Groovy Cabin

Groovy Cabin

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Furniture design

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I thought I'd experiment on sketch up designing some furniture for my cabin. I've never tried anything like thus before as I'm not that technical but it converted to the printer just fine. I had a couple of  goes on the desk with the tape recorder because  I knew I wouldn't be able recreate it out if bits of cardboard.  It's boosted my confidence so I'll try a few other pieces.I thought I'd experiment on sketch up designing some furniture for my cabin. I've never tried anything like thus before as I'm not that technical but it converted to the printer just fine. I had a couple of goes on the desk with the tape recorder because I knew I wouldn't be able recreate it out if bits of cardboard. It's boosted my confidence so I'll try a few other pieces.
Furniture design
I've also had a go at the wall clock I've also had a go at the wall clock
Furniture design

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