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The belon tames the butterfly for a day

The belon tames the butterfly for a day

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1.30 time to choose some colours

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The base for the genestealers is kantor blue the fleshy bits ended up as deamonette hide as the other paint was solid.The base for the genestealers is kantor blue the fleshy bits ended up as deamonette hide as the other paint was solid.
Howling griffons are my chapter of choice so went with Averland sunset and mephiston redHowling griffons are my chapter of choice so went with Averland sunset and mephiston red

Was going to use the v2 speed paints but did not have the colours I needed so went with good old gw base paints as they will give a great coverage that should only need one coat and will also act as the base coat saving some time.

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