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Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

Bot War - C.O.I.L.S Vengeance

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Day 14 - Airbrush & ABM

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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How it startedHow it started

Although still behind schedule I have decided to press on and use the airbrush to try and get back on track.

I used the last of my mixed brown and sprayed all of the bases for the remaining minis (excluding conspiracy) so they have their basecoat nicely applied. I did a couple of passes with the brown before adding a drybrushed on highlight with the Longbeard Grey.

Getting all of the minis’ bases to a good place like this will hopefully makes it easier to pick up all of the remaining models in the coming days and just start working straight away on the body basecoats then hit both the body and the base with the shade…. Hopefully this pays off in the long run.

Brown basingBrown basing
Longbeard grey drybrushed on, ready for shadingLongbeard grey drybrushed on, ready for shading

I also painted up the ABM vehicle which is a log wheel base missile launcher.

This was painted up the same as other vehicles, but I found the glazed highlights weened to work better on the flat surfaces of the cab and chassis. Working through a couple of highlights in a glazed fashion added randomness which sort of looks like urban camouflage, an unexpected effect that I was quite happy with.

I didn’t go too fancy with the missile unit, once I paint up Slaughter I(the Bot form of the ABM) I may go back and add some more details, but I’m happy with the cab and main chassis.

How ABM startedHow ABM started
How ABM finishedHow ABM finished

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