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Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

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Traders Galaxy Painting Challenge 2024 - Day 12

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Well after yesterday’s verbal diarrhoea, you’ll be glad to know that this will be a short update. I’ve made a start on the mongoose and my Light Tanks and Defiance. I just gave them a little bit of Camo Creed Contrast and blacked the tyres and tracks. then I moved onto Leviathon and gave him 3 drybrushes of slightly lighter shades of turquiose and then I put some dark wash on the gold. I’m thinking of trying to do Leviathon now with almost an underwater camo effect. So I am going to try putting lighter shades across him in a kind of light ripple effect (see the last picture). Not sure if it will work but it might be a different direction to take.

Then I had an attempt at printing an attack jet from a while back using my FDM printer. The FDM just can’t do the detail, but I’m going to make use of it and turn it into a wrecked jet. So I got some primer on it.

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