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Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

Traders Galaxy 2024 Painting Challenge - Botwar, Beat Em Up and Rise of the Democracy miniatures

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Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I started the day taking on more new miniatures, knowing that I still have a tonne to finish. I’ve added a Mongoose, 3 light tanks from the 3D printer and another Strikeforce to the painting queue.
I already had the motion blur base for today’s Strikeforce done yesterday. Just to remind everyone, this is going to be based on my Crimson Strike, the cynic would say Hasbro simply recoloured the Skystriker and marked it up as Cobra… I still bought it.? As a reminder, check out my photo of the toy below. I painted this one up with some nice red paint then tried to paint the Cobra motif in silver. I stuck a load of weapons on and this time I wanted missiles firing. You may have seen me earlier on in the challenge painting the missiles and sticking on the missile trails. I always give my jets afterburning thrusts and to add further excitement I wanted one of those circular explosions so it looks like the plane is flying out of some close call. I managed to pull it off and I’m really happy with this one, the motion blur base kinda works, but there is so much going on with the aeroplane that you aren’t really looking.
Next a push on John… and a warning that anyone of a nervous dispostion should look away as I’m going full Mortal Kombat for this one. I made a small fireball to fit his hand so it looked a bit like he was doing a Hadouken! Then I based him on one of the street bases that I used for the ninjas. I added an extra sewer grate which if anyone looks closely at will notice is from Gotham, so clearly John is on his holidays.? I finally stuck what I’ve been calling Nick in an elevated position, with his head exen higher. I added a swoosh, just like I’d used on John to try and show some movement. I’m calling this “I’m going to knock your block off!”
And finally… I know it’s not painting, but I did a bit of soldering on Overlord Gorg, to get his LED light working.
I’m popping back to the shed for one last hour, I might be able to make some progress on Sydney.

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