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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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The brush strokes are intentional

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6

First up we have some Star Wars: Shatterpoint figures that have been languishing on my “in progress ledge” for some time now. These were assembled and primed in December, but I didn’t get any actual paint on them until last week. Most of them were primed in Army Painter brush-on grey, then drybrushed white, then painted with Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0 paints (I dislike the term “Slap Chop,” which doesn’t really describe the technique and is also the name of a vegetable slicer kitchen gadget).

After doing a base coat with the speedpaints I painted in the odd detail with regular paint, and drybrushed over the top to get some extra highlights.

The Clone Troopers were pretty much ready to go after priming and drybrushing, I just had to add some black for the armor joints and weapons, and then the red stripes for the Clone Commander. For Savage Opress, I primed in black and then just did some quick highlights and details (face & lightsaber). The green smoke is the only part that I used speedpaint for.

I like the brushstroke look that we see on the Clone Wars animated series. I tell myself that I’m making a conscious effort to mimic that style, but really I think that’s just what my painting style always looks like…

I finished these on Friday, and did manage to get a game in using some of them (Savage and the Dathomir witches) the very next day.

2024 models painted so far: 8

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